Information general

Oral hygiene

A visit to the dental hygienist is recommended when.

-Your gums bleed when brushing

- Your gums are red and swollen and no longer close tightly around your teeth.

-You have a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath

-Tooth and pick changing position

-You have tartar or deposits on your teeth

-In short, if you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy


What treatments are there:

- Periodontium status

-Pocket Status

-Oral hygiene instructions

-Color test

- Remove tartar

-Polishing and teeth / fillings

-Scaling and planning (smoothing the root surfaces, possibly with anesthesia)

-Culturing for bacteriological research


Insurance and reimbursement.

Health insurance policies vary widely in the field of dentistry and dental hygiene. Check with your health insurer whether treatment with the dental hygienist is reimbursed.

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